Janice Fernheimer

Rhetoric, Technology, Jewish Studies

Eager: Using the Web for Science and Society

Along with my co-PI, Jim Hendler in Computer Science at RPI, I led a National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsored project, “EAGER: Using the Web for Science and Society” in 2009-2010. We worked with our research assistant, Lisa Litterio (then-doctoral student in Rhetoric and Communication at RPI), to  investigate the Web’s potential for enabling wide-scale collaboration and to develop models for interdisciplinary research and curricula in an emerging field, Web Science. We planned and implemented two national workshops and developed discursive strategies to facilitate transdisciplinary communication about Web research questions. Our research findings, “Transdisciplinary Itexts and the Future of Web-Scale Collaboration” were published in the Journal of Business and Technical Communication. July 2011. 322-337.


Janice W. Fernheimer is Assistant Professor of Writing, Rhetoric, and Digital Media at The University of Kentucky where she teaches courses in rhetoric, technology, and pedagogy; digital writing; and Jewish rhetorical studies. Her research focuses on questions of identity, invention, and cross-audience communication.

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