Vita Fernheimer Scribd10!31!2012
Janice Fernheimer
1303 Patterson Office Tower
Division of Writing, Rhetoric, and Digital Media in the Department of English
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40502
Ph.D. in English, University of Texas at Austin, May 2006.
Concentrations in Rhetoric, Writing, and American Literature
Dissertation: “The Rhetoric of Black Jewish Identity Construction in America and Israel: 1964-1972.”
Committee: Dr. Linda Ferreira-Buckley (co-chair), Dr. Patricia Roberts-Miller (co-chair), Dr. Evan Carton, Dr. Shelley Fisher Fishkin (Stanford University), Dr. Michael Bernard-Donals (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
M.A. in English, University of Texas at Austin, December 2001
Masters Report: “Breaking the Commandments of Holocaust Representation? Conflicting Genre Expectations in Audience Responses to Schindler’s List and Life Is Beautiful.” Director: Dr. Evan Carton
Jewish Textual Studies, Pardes Institute of Jewish Learning, 2000-2001. Jerusalem, Israel
Hebrew Language Immersion: Intermediate and Advanced Levels (ulpan gimel and dalet), Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mt. Scopus, June 2000-October 2000. Jerusalem, Israel
B.A. in English, University of Maryland, College Park. May 1998. summa cum laude, GPA 4.0. Honors Thesis: “Resistance and Communal Alliances in Women’s African-American Slave Narratives and Jewish Holocaust Memoirs.” Director: Dr. Shirley Wilson Logan
Interim Director, Interdisciplinary Program in Jewish Studies, University of Kentucky, August 2012-2013.
Assistant Professor, University of Kentucky, Division of Writing, Rhetoric, and Digital Media in the Department of English, August 2010-present.
Assistant Professor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Department of Language, Literature, and Communication, August 2006-2010.
Scholar-in-residence, Brandeis University Hadassah-Brandeis Insitute of Jewish and Gender Studies, Waltham, MA, August-December 2008.
Assistant Director, University of Texas Division of Rhetoric and Writing, 2004-2006.Worked with faculty and staff in administrating lower division writing courses. Created and implemented curricula. Mediated instructor-student conflicts and adjudicated plagiarism cases.
Top Cited Article in Rhetoric Society Quarterly 2010 (one of five) for “Black Jewish Identity Conflict: A Divided Universal Audience and the Impact of Dissociative Disruption.” RSQ (2009) 46-72.
Honorable Mention, Dissertation of the Year 2007, Rhetoric Society of America.
The Letitia Woods Brown Memorial Book Prize 2007, Awarded to the best anthology about African American women’s history. Speaking Our Minds: Black
Women’s Thought in the Nineteenth Century. Ed. Kristin Waters and Carol B. Conaway. “Arguing from Difference: Cooper, Emerson, Guizot, and a More Harmonious America.” 287-305.
James L. Kinneavy Prize for Scholarship in Rhetoric and Composition 2006, University of Texas at Austin.
Department of English Assistant Instructor of the Year 2003-2004, University of Texas.
Joyce Tayloe Horrel Scholarship Most Distinguished English Major 1998-1999, University of Maryland.
College of Arts and Humanities Distinguished Senior Scholar 1997-1998, University of Maryland.
Ben Zion Outstanding Hebrew Scholar 1997, University of Maryland.
Phi Beta Kappa, Golden Key, Phi Kappa Phi, Mortar Board, and Omicron Delta Kappa honor societies.
American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise (AICE) Grant for a 2013-2014 Visiting Schusterman Fellow, ($60,000).
Global Connections Grant 2012-2013, University of Kentucky, College of Arts and Sciences, ($1700).
College Research Activity Award for International Travel 2010, 2011-2012, University of Kentucky, ($1200).
EAGER: Using the Web for Science and Society, co-PI with Jim Hendler, National Science Foundation,
2009-2010. ($298,633).
Tech-mediated Communication: Innovating the User Experience in a Mediated World. Cheryl Geisler, Audrey Bennett, Janice Fernheimer, Roger Grice, Patricia Search, and James Zappen. Society for Technical Communication Major Grant 2006-2009. ($138,000). Coordinator for Wikis in Collaboration.
Special Summer Faculty Research Fellowship 2012, University of Kentucky ($7000).
Hadassah Brandeis Institute for Jewish and Gender Studies Scholar-in-residence Fall 2008 ($12,000 plus housing).
Brandeis Summer Institute for Israel Studies Fellow 2008.
Maurice and Marilyn Cohen Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship in Jewish Studies 2005-2006 ($10,000).
David Bruton, Jr., Fellowship 2005-2006, University of Texas.
College of Liberal Arts Summer Doctoral Fellowship Recipient 2004, University of Texas.
Department of English Summer Doctoral Fellowship 2003, University of Texas.
Dorot Fellowship in Israel 2000-2001, one of fifteen nationally selected fellows ($14,000 plus tuition).
Omicron Delta Kappa Foundation National Fellowship 1998-1999.
College of Arts and Humanities Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship 1997, University of Maryland.
Book Manuscripts and Major Projects in Progress
Arguing Black Jewish Identity: Hatzaad Harishon and Interruptive Invention. (forthcoming, University of Alabama Press, Series in Rhetoric, Culture, and Social Critique, September 2013)
Designing for User Engagement. Cheryl Geisler, Roger Grice, Audredy Bennet, Janice W. Fernheimer, Robert Krull, James P. Zappen, and Patricia Search. (forthcoming, Taylor and Francis Press, March 2013)
Jewish Rhetorics, edited by Michael Benard-Donals and Janice W. Fernheimer. (Under contract with Brandeis University Press)
Networks of Rhetorical Action and Resistance: Fela and Chaim Perelman’s Social Sphere. This monograph argues that Chaim Perelman, his wife Fela, and their network of Belgian Resistance leaders enacted the model of rhetorical action later developed in the The New Rhetoric Project. This project is in development; I spent two summers (2009, 2010) researching archival materials related to the Perelman’s resistance to German Occupation in Belgium and participation in the Aliyah Bet. (Prospectus in progress).
Peer-reviewed Articles
“Heuristics for Broader Assessment of Effectiveness and Usability in Technology-Mediated Technical Communication.” Roger A. Grice, Audrey G. Bennett, Janice W. Fernheimer, Cheryl Geisler, Robert Krull, Raymond A. Lutzky, Matthew G.J. Rolph, Patricia Search, and James P. Zappen. (forthcoming Technical Communication).
“Transdisciplinary Itexts and the Future of Web-Scale Collaboration.” With Lisa Litterio and Jim Hendler. Journal of Business and Technical Communication. July 2011. 322-337.
“Talmidai Rhetoricae: ‘Drashing Up Models and Methods for Jewish Rhetorical Studies.” Introduction to special issue of College English: “Composing Jewish Rhetorics” Guest Editor: Janice Fernheimer. July 2010. 577-597.
“Collaborative Convergences in Research and Pedagogy: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching Writing with Wikis,” with Dr. Dean Nieusma, Dr. Lei Chi, Dr. Lupita Montoya, Thomas Kujala, and Andrew LaPadula. Computers and Composition Online. Fall 2009. <>
“Black Jewish Identity Conflict: A Divided Universal Audience and the Impact of Dissociative Disruption.” Rhetoric Society Quarterly. Volume 39. January 2009, p. 46-72.
“From Jew to Israelite: Making Uncomfortable Communions and The New Rhetoric’s Tools for Invention.” Argumentation and Advocacy. Guest Editor. David Frank. Spring 2008, p. 198-212.
“Bridging the Divide: Blogs in the Composition Classroom, ” with Tom Nelson. Currents in Electronic Literacy. Volume 9. December 2005. <>.
Book Chapters Published
“Leading Through Listening: Jewish Women Youth Advisors Bridge Racial Tensions in 1968 New York.” African Zion: Studies in Black Judaism. Eds. Tudor Parfitt and Edith Bruder. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012. 233-262.
“Principle 5: Set the Context.” Designing for User Engagement. Co-authored with Samantha Good. Geisler et al. (forthcoming from Taylor and Francis Press)
“Principle 2: Design for Usability.” Designing for User Engagement. Geisler et al. (forthcoming from Taylor and Francis Press)
“Case Study 2: Wikis for Collaboration.” Co-authored with Thomas Kujala, Carol Sadowsky, Dale Bass, Samantha Good, and Dustin Kirk. Designing for User Engagement. Geisler et al. (forthcoming from Taylor and Francis Press)
“Arguing from Difference: Cooper, Emerson, Guizot, and a More Harmonious America.” Speaking Our Minds: Black Women’s Thought in the Nineteenth Century. Ed. Kristin Waters and Carol B. Conaway. Lebanon, New Hampshire: University of Vermont Press, 2007. 287-305.*Recipient of The Letitia Woods Brown Memorial Book Prize for best anthology about African Americanwomen’s history for 2007.
“Breaking the Commandments of Holocaust Representation? Conflicting Genre Expectations in Audience Responses to Schindler’s List and Life is Beautiful.” Beyond Life is Beautiful: Comedy and Tragedy in the Cinema of Roberto Benigni. Ed. Grace Russo Bullaro. Leicester, UK; Troubador Publishing, 2005. 292-321.
Invited Essays
“Making Klal Yisrael Count: The Difficulties of Defining Black Jewish Communities.” Association of Jewish Studies Perspectives. Fall 2011: 46-48.
“Commandment Keepers of Harlem.” The Encyclopedia of African American Religious Culture. Ed. Anthony B. Pinn. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio Publishing, 2009. 169-174.
Reviews Published and In-press
The Promise of Reason: Studies in The New Rhetoric. Ed. John T. Gage. Rhetoric and Public Affairs. Forthcoming 2013.
The Black Jews of Africa: History, Religion, Identity by Edith Bruder. AJS Review. 34: 1 (2010) 152-155.
Rhetorical Refusals: Defying Audiences’ Expectations by John Schilb. RSQ. 39:1 (2009) 99-102.
Strategies of Remembrance: The Rhetorical Dimensions of National Identity Construction by M. Lane Bruner. Rhetoric Society Quarterly 14: 4 (2004): 97-101.
“ ‘It’s More Complicated than That’”: Confessing the ‘Conflict’ and Coming of Age in Women’s Graphic Representations of Israel.” Panel: “Confessions, Narratives, and Taboos in Contemporary Israeli Culture.” Association of Israel Studies, University of Haifa, Israel, June 25, 2012.
“Reclaiming Reason and Rhetorical Theory: Interruptive Invention and Burke and Perelman’s New Rhetoric Projects.” Department of English, Ben Gurion University, Israel. April 23, 2012. (invited)
“Expanding Jewish Identity’s ‘Scope’: Hatzaad Harishon, Black Jews, and Interruptive Invention.” Melton
Center for Jewish Education, Hebrew University. March 21, 2012 (invited).
“Interrupting Whiteness: Hatzaad Harishon, Black Jews, and the Expansion of Jewish Identity.” Analyse Du Discourse, Argumentation and Rhetorique (ADARR). Tel Aviv University, March 13, 2012 (invited).
“Themes in Exodus.” Guest Lecture for “Mythology and Religion in Literature.” Professor Basam Ra’ad. Al Quds University, Hind El Husseini Campus, E. Jerusalem, Israel. March 11, 2012. (invited)
“Interrupting Whiteness: Hatzaad Harhison, Black Jews, and Burkean Invention.” International Society for the Study of African Jewry. School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) London, UK. Oct. 31, 2010. (invited)
“‘Pending Approval’: Identity, Community, and Jewish Social Networks.” Roundtable: “Jews and New Media I: Social Software.” Association of Jewish Studies, D. C., Dec. 22, 2008.
“Black Jewish Identity and Burkean Invention.” Department of English, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, July 16, 2008. (invited)
“WAC-Y Wikis: Fostering Collaboration in Group Writing Assignments Across the Curriculum.” Ninth Biennial 2008 International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference. Austin, May 29, 2008.
“From Jew to Israelite: Complicating ‘Communion’ and The New Rhetoric’s Tools for Invention.” Panel: “Value Hierarchies and Justice in Judaic Rhetoric.” Session Organizer, Chair, and Presenter. The Promise of Reason: The New Rhetoric After Fifty Years. University of Oregon, Eugene, May 19, 2008.
“The Rhetoric of Jewish Identity.” Roundtable: “Rhetoric and Jewish Studies.” Session Organizer and Presenter. Association of Jewish Studies, Toronto, Dec.16, 2007.
“Confessions of a Technophobe: How I Came to Value and Use Technology in the Writing Classroom.”
Mofet (Forum for English Department Chairs at Israeli Colleges). Tel Aviv, Israel, Dec. 29, 2006. (invited)
“Creating ‘Open-Source’ Classroom Communities: An Introduction to Technology in the Writing Classroom.” Achva College, Jerusalem, Israel and English Teachers’ Association of Israel and Levinsky College, Tel Aviv, Israel, Jan. 1, 2007. (invited)
“You’re Jewish?: Black Jewish Identity as a Challenge to Burkean Theory.” Association of Jewish Studies, San Diego, Dec. 17, 2006.
“Alternative Arguments: The Rhetoric and Pedagogy of Medieval Rabbis.” International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo, May 8, 2003.
“Rights and Writes of Holocaust Representation: Benigni and Wilkomirski.” Narrative: An International Conference. Atlanta, April 8, 2000.
“Black, Jewish, Mizrahi Power: Repurposing Panther Culture.” Modern Language Association, Boston, MA Jan. 3-6, 2013. (invited)
“Perelman, Judaism, and Zionism.” Part of the Chaim Perelman “Supersession.” Rhetoric Society of America, Minneapolis, May 28-31, 2009. (invited)
“Commonplaces, Controversies and Uncomfortable Communions in Seven Jewish Children: A Play for Gaza.”
Panel: Representation and ‘the jews’: Caryl Churchill’s Seven Jewish Children.” Rhetoric Society of America, Minneapolis, May 28-31, 2009.
“Mapping the Remix of Jewish Rhetoric and Composition Studies.” Panel. “Remixing Jewish Rhetoric and Composition Traditions.” Session organizer, chair, and presenter. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Louisville, March 17-20, 2010.
“Identity and Archival Research in Rhetoric.” Roundtable: “What is Rhetoric Research?” Session Sponsored by the Rhetoric Society of America. Modern Language Association, San Francisco, Dec. 29, 2008. (invited)
“Expanding the Scope of Jewish Identity: Hatzaad Harishon, Black Jews, and Burkean Invention” Panel: “The Rhetorical Turn in Jewish Studies.” Rhetoric Society of America. Seattle, May 26, 2008.
“‘Open Source’ Approaches to Literary Studies: Technology Fosters Collaborative, Productive Reading.” Kean University, Union, April 27, 2007. (invited plenary)
“Keeping the Faith: The Rhetoric and Pedagogy of Medieval Jews.” Rhetoric Society of America. Memphis, May 28, 2006.
“Composing Peace in the Writing Classroom: ‘Listening Rhetoric’ and the Politics of the Middle East.” Panel: “Composition International: Globalism in the Center.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Chicago, March 23, 2006.
“The Brotha’s Jewish? Hebrew Israelite Identity in America and Israel.” Modern Language Association. Philadelphia, Dec. 28, 2004.
“Meeting Your Audience Through Mediums of Culture: Anna Julia Cooper’s Use of Identification.” Rhetoric Society of America. Austin, May 30, 2004.
“Welcome to the Blogosphere: Weblogs and Classroom Community,” with Tom Nelson. Conference of the Popular Culture Association. San Antonio, April 8, 2004. (Also published as a White Paper>).
“Writing Centers: Liberal Arts Imperialism?” Roundtable: “Beyond Our Walls: Writing Centers Across Disciplines.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. San Antonio, March 27, 2004.
“From Graduate Student to Faculty Member: How-to Professionalize Yourself.” English 700 with Dr. Andrew Doolen, Oct. 28, 2011. (invited)
“Hatzaad Harishon and Black Jewish Identity.” Hadassah Brandeis Institute (HBI). Waltham, Oct. 27, 2008.(invited)
“Hora-dancing in Harlem: Hatzaad Harishon, Zionism, and the Rhetoric of Black Jewish Identity.” Sociology of American Jews with Dr. Sylvia Barack Fishman. Brandeis University, Waltham, Nov. 19, 2008. (invited)
“Dancing with Jewish Identity: Hatzaad Harishon and New York’s Black Jews.” Temple Emmanuel. Wakefield, Nov. 17, 2008. (invited)
“Wikis as Collaborative Tools for Writing Across the Curriculum.” Department of Language, Literature, and Communication Colloquiuam at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Troy, Oct. 3, 2007.
“Hatzaad Harishon’s First Steps Explode Racial Expectations for Jewishness.” Department of Language, Literature, and Communication Colloquiuam at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Troy, Nov. 1, 2006.
“Blog Pedagogy and the Potential for Agonistic Classroom Communities.” Computers, Writing, and Research Lab’s Colloquium: Projections: Writing, Identity, Media. Austin, Texas. March 5, 2004.
“Solving America’s Race Problem: Anna Julia Cooper’s Contrapuntal Voices and the Riches of Harmony.” Graduate Student Conference: Visions and Divisions. University of Texas, Austin, October 3, 2003.
International and National
“Klal Rhetorica: Jewish Rhetorical Studies.” Workshop Organizer and leader along with David Metzger. Rhetoric Society of America Summer Institute. Boulder, Co. June 24-26, 2011.
“Examining Web-Scale Research Collaboration.” Organizer and leader of this National Science Foundation-sponsored workshop along with Jim Hendler and Lisa Litterio. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. April 7-8, 2010.
“Research Network and Manuscript Workshop with Jack Selzer.” One of seven selected participants. Rhetoric Society of America, Minneapolis, MN, May 29, 2010.
“Composing Collaborative Video Arguments.” With Lisa Literrio. Conference on College Composition and Communication, Louisville, March 17, 2010.
“History, Memory, Commemoration.” Brandeis Israel Studies Fellows Workshop with Amos Oz. Waltham, MA, Nov. 14-15, 2009. (invited)
“Brandeis Summer Institute for Israel Studies.” One of twenty-six internationally selected seminar participants. Brandeis University, Waltham, MA and Israel. June 18-July 11, 2008.
“Rhetoric and Jewish Studies.” Workshop Organizer. Seminar leader with David Metzger and Steven Katz. Rhetoric Society of America Summer Institute, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, June 23-25, 2007.
“Rhetoric and the World.” One of twenty-five nationally selected seminar participants. Rhetoric Society of America Summer Institute. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, June 17-23, 2007.
“Should Teachers Take Sides in Political Controversies?: Justifications, Methods, and Ethical Boundaries.” Workshop Participant. College Conference on Composition and Communication. New York, March 21, 2006.
“Malamud’s ‘Angel Levine:’ Jews and Race.” Dorot Alumni Shabbaton. Nov. 8, 2008 (invited).
“Introduction to Clearspace: Using Wikis to Foster Collaborative Writing in an Engineering Course.” Guest lecturer and workshop leader with Andrew La Padula. Introduction to Engineering Design with Dr. Montoya, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, April 3, 2008.
“Introduction to Clearspace: Using Wikis to Foster Collaborative Writing in Group-authored Business Plans.” Guest lecturer and workshop leader. Product, Design, and Innovation (PDI) Studio with Dr. Dean Nieusma, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, March 31, 2008.
“Introduction to Collaborative, Process-Based Writing.” Guest lecturer and workshop leader. Product, Design, and Innovation (PDI) Studio with Dr. Nieusma. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, March 27, 2008.
“Writing Recursively: Tips for Revision and Invention Using the Rhetorical Canon.” Guest lecturer and workshop leader with Dr. Lewis. Introduction to Air Quality with Dr. Montoya, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Nov. 15, 2007.
“Introduction to Clearspace: Using Wikis to Foster Collaborative Writing in an Engineering Course.” Guest lecturer and workshop leader with Tom Kujala. Introduction to Air Quality with Dr. Montoya, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Oct. 25, 2007.
“Introduction to Collaborative Writing for Air Quality Students.” Guest lecturer and workshop leader with Barbara Lewis. Introduction to Air Quality with Dr. Montoya, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Oct. 15, 2007.
“Feminist Cyborgs: Teaching like a Feminist in the Computer Classroom.” Workshop Leader. “The Learning Record Online as Feminist Pedagogy.” Women’s and Gender Studies Conference. University of Texas, Austin, April 1, 2005. (Also published as a White Paper <>).
Undergraduate Courses
Graphic Representations of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict(s) (UK), upper division for majors
Rhetoric Between Athens and Jerusalem (UK), upper division for majors
Composition and Communication 2 (UK), required first-year writing
Composition and Communication 1 (UK), required first-year writing
Representing Israel and Its Conflicts (RPI), writing intensive first-year seminar
Writing in the Digital Age (RPI), introductory writing
Writing to the World Wide Web (RPI), introductory writing
The Writing Process: Food for Thought and Writing about Food (UT), upper division creative nonfiction course
Rhetoric and Composition (UT), required first-year writing
Women’s Popular Genres: Romance and Sentimentality (UT), sophomore literature course
Unfulfilled Promises in the Promised Land: The Rhetoric of Peace in the Middle East (UT), sophomore writing
Masterworks of British Literature (UT), introduction to literature
Masterworks of American Literature (UT), introduction to literature
Graduate Courses
Developing “Equipment for Living”: A Seminar in Kenneth Burke (UK)
Chasing Zion: Black and Jewish Narratives of Idenity, Exile, and Home (UK)
Rhetoric, Culture, Technology (RPI)
Teaching Communication in Technologically Mediated Contexts (RPI)
Independent Studies Courses
Rhetoric Between Athens and Jerusalem: Introduction to Jewish Rhetorics (graduate level, Amy Anderson, UK)
Writing, Composition, and Interdisciplinary Theory (graduate level, Lisa Litterio, RPI)
Introduction to Writing and Composition Theory (advanced undergraduate level, Tom Kujala, RPI)
Undergraduate Writing Center Consultant, University of Texas, 2003-2005.
Developed and led class-specific revision workshops for literature and composition students.
Computers, Writing, and Research Lab Developer, University of Texas, 2003-2004.
Served as one of seven developers selected to innovate projects and pedagogy in the lab.
Led initiative on professional development and developed a web node for professionalization.
Computers, Writing, and Research Lab Proctor, University of Texas, 2001-2004.
Assisted undergraduates with a variety of software applications on both MAC and PC platforms.
Graduate and Post-Doctoral
Dissertation Committee Member, 2012-present. Anderson, Amy. “Image/Word: Dissociation and Visual Argument in Medieval and Digital Contexts.” University of Kentucky. Defense anticipated May 2014.
Post-Doctoral Mentor, Aug. 2010-2011. Moulder, Amanda. “[T]hey ought to mind what a woman says”: Early Cherokee Women’s Rhetorical Traditions and Rhetorical Education.” Lecturer in UK Division of Writing, Rhetoric, and Digital Media. (Currently Assistant Professor of Writing, St. John’s University, Queens, NY).
Research Assistant Supervisor, 2009-2010. Litterio, Lisa. “Using the Web for Science and Society.” National Science Foundation EAGER Grant.
Dissertation Committee Member, 2009-2010. Davisson, Amber. “I’m not the President, but I Play Her on YouTube: Online Public Address in Clinton’s 2008 Presidential Campaign.” Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute. Defended April 30, 2010. (Currently Assistant Professor of Communication at Willamette).
Research Assistant Supervisor, September-December 2012, Daniel Story. The Fela Perelman Project.
Research Assistant Supervisor, September-December 2011, Jeremy Puckett. The Chaim Perelman Project.
Research Assistant Supervisor, Aug. 2010-2011. Jason Grant. The Chaim Perelman Project.
Research Assistant Supervisor, Spring 2010 Rivelle Zlatopolsky. The Chaim Perelman Digital Archive Project.
Research Assistant Supervisor, Thomas Kujala, Spring 2007-May 2009. Wikis for Collaboration.
History and theory of Jewish Rhetorical Studies; Rhetoric of identity; Literacy, Technology, and Pedagogy; Rhetorical theory; History of rhetoric; Gender studies; Rhetoric of the Palestinian-Israeli conflicts; Holocaust rhetoric and representation; Nineteenth-century African-American rhetoric; Nineteenth and twentieth century African-American and Jewish literature; the Graphic Novel/Memoir; Visual Rhetoric; Archival research methods
Coordinator, Rhetoric Reading Group, Hebrew University, Spring 2012.
H-Net Editor, h-jewishrhetorics, the list-serv for Klal Rhetorica, 2011-present.
Founder and President, Klal Rhetorica, an international scholarly organization of researchers working in Rhetoric and Jewish Studies with more than 175 members. June 26, 2007-present.
Panel Chair, “Rethinking ‘The Other’: Problems in Post-Modern Jewish Thought, Politics, and the Media.”
Association of Jewish Studies, D.C. Dec. 21, 2008.
Panel Organizer. “Rhetoric and Jewish Studies.” Association of Jewish Studies, Toronto, Dec.16, 2007.
Stage 1 Proposal Reviewer, College Conference on Composition and Communication, 2013.
Editorial Review Board Member, Queen City Writers, Journal of Undergraduate Writing, 2012-present.
SIG organizer, Klal Rhetorica, Rhetoric Society of America, May 2012.
SIG organizer, Klal Rhetorica, College Conference on Composition and Communication, March 2012.
Book manuscript reviewer, University of Alabama Press, 2012.
Article Reviewer, Philosophy and Rhetoric, 2011.
Article Reviewer, Transformations: The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and Pedagogy, 2011.
Book Proposal Reviewer, Oxford University Press, 2011.
Executive Committee for the MLA Division on History and Theory of Rhetoric and Composition, 2011-2016.
Stage 1 Proposal Reviewer, College Conference on Composition and Communication, April 2011.
SIG organizer, Klal Rhetorica, College Conference on Composition and Communication, April 2011.
Guest Editor, Special Issue of College English: Rhetoric and Jewish Studies, forthcoming July 2010.
Article Reviewer, Journal of Jewish Identities. Spring 2009.
SIG organizer. Klal Rhetorica, Rhetoric Society of America. May 20010.
SIG organizer. Klal Rhetorica, College Conference on Composition and Communication, March 2010.
Panel Reviewer, “Feminisms and Rhetoric Conference,” Fall 2009.
Panel Chair, “Rethinking ‘The Other’: Problems in Post-Modern Jewish Thought, Politics, and the Media.”
Association of Jewish Studies, D.C. Dec. 21-23, 2008.
Member, Academic Advisory Committee, Hadassah-Brandeis Institute, Fall 2008-present.
External Reviewer, National Endowment for the Humanities 2008-2009 Digital Start-up Grant. “Archive 2.0:
Imagining The Michigan State University Israelite Samaritan Scroll Collection as the Foundation for a
Thriving Social Network.” <> and <>
Chair, Luckens Prize Committee for Jewish Studies, University of Kentucky, 2012-present.
Chair, Interdisciplinary Advisory Committee for Jewish Studies, University of Kentucky, 2012-present.
Member, Luckens Prize Committee for Jewish Studies, University of Kentucky, 2011-2012.
Member, Search Committee, Hebrew Lecturer, University of Kentucky 2011.
Member, Interdisciplinary Advisory Committee for Jewish Studies, University of Kentucky, 2010-present.
Member, Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) Proposal Review Committee, RPI, 2010.
Peer-elected representative, English Graduate Group Steering Committee, University of Texas, 2002-2003.
Member, TA/AI Rights and Responsibilities Committee, University of Texas, 1999-2000.
Departmental Delegate (peer-elected representative), U.T. Graduate Student Assembly, 1998-2000
Faculty Advisor, University of Kentucky Student Chapter of Rhetoric Society of America, 2012-2013.
Member, Steering Committee, Writing, Rhetoric, Digital Media, University of Kentucky 2012-2013.
Member, Search Committee, Writing, Rhetoric, and Digital Media, University of Kentucky, 2011-2012.
Member, Writing, Rhetoric, and Digital Media Advisory Committee, University of Kentucky, 2010-present.
Chair, LL & C Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2009-2010.
Member, Graduate Policy Committee, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2009-2010.
Member, Department Financial Aid Committee, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2008-2009.
Member, Rhetorical Studies Fund Review Commitee, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2008-present.
Member, Department Website Redesign Committee, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2007-2008.
Member, Department Chair’s Cabinet and Advisory Committee, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2006-2007.
Member, Center for Communication Practices Committee, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2006-2007.
Member, Freshman Writing Committee, University of Texas, 2004-2006.
Chair, Division of Rhetoric and Writing Textbook Committee, University of Texas, 2004-2005.
Member, Sophomore Literature Committee, University of Texas, 2003-2004.
Member, Computers, Writing, and Research Lab Steering Committee, University of Texas, 2002-2003.
Member, English Computer Use Committee, University of Texas, 2001-2002.
Community and Local
Founder and Co-chair with Ribhu Kaul, Lexington Caliente Salsa, community Salsa meet-up, 2011-present.
Member, Bluegrass Young Jewish Professionals, 2011-present.
Member, Congregation Ohavay Zion, Lexington, KY. 2010-present.
Salon Fitfoot (Dorot Alumni monthly Salon for the NY region). Founder and Co-Chair 2007-present.
Young Adult Division, Leadership Training Program, sponsored by the Albany Jewish Federation, 2007.
Hekdesh, Tzedekah Collective and Charitable Grantmaking, 2006-present.
Austin Jewish Education Task Force, Jewish Community Association, 2004-2005.
Young Austin Leadership Alliance, Jewish Community Association, 2001-2002.
Hebrew Language Instructor, Congregation Beth Israel, Austin, TX February-May 2003.
Created and implemented curriculum to teach Hebrew reading and writing skills to adult learners.
Hebrew School Instructor, Congregation Beth Israel, Austin, TX, October, 2002-May 2003.
Created and implemented conversational curriculum for post-Bar and Bat mitzvah students.
Religious School Instructor, Congregation Beth Israel, Austin, TX, 1998-2000, 2001-2002.
Taught basic Jewish History and Culture seminars for seventh-grade students.
Fluent in contemporary Hebrew. Beginning Arabic (MSA and Palestinian dialect). Beginning French.
Rhetoric Society of America; Association of Jewish Studies; Klal Rhetorica; Modern Language Association; Coalition of Women Scholars in the History of Rhetoric; Conference on College Composition and Communication; International Society for the History of Rhetoric; Kenneth Burke Society; International Society for the Study of African Jewry; Tech-Rhet; Dorot Alumni Association